Saturday, April 28, 2007

Water, water everywhere! But no sleep.

It's not actually raining in Portland today, on the contrary, it's BEAUTIFUL and sunny. Unfortunately I'm not enjoying it as much as I could. Last night was one of those (luckily for me rare) difficult parenting nights where I didn't get much sleep. Jake passed out early -- around 8pm while Mike and I watched the movie The Pursuit of Happyness (a very good but rather heavy movie) and stayed asleep even when we moved him into bed with us. Mike soon followed Jake to dreamland. Me? Wide awake. No idea why. Normally I fall asleep as soon as I can (when Jake has gotten his fill of milk), but not last night. I think it took me 2-3 hours to get to the point where I was ready to fall asleep. Then Jake woke up and wanted milk. And then he wanted more milk. And then he continued to want milk. I think he's teething and he's uncomfortable and he had finished his deep sleeping for the night. About 5am I'd HAD it and sat up in bed staring at my sweet boy who wanted... yup, you guessed it, more milk! I gave him some homeopathic teething tablets, more milk, and then mercifully, he went to sleep for 2 hours! But then he was awake again and I needed some sleep so Mike (who had a great sleep) got up with him and I slept for another hour. Not enough. The last time I remember such an awful, sleepless night, was in January when Jake had croup. I suppose I should consider myself lucky that normally he sleeps so well. Hopefully tonight will be better.

On a lighter note actually related to water, here are some cute pictures of Jake.

Don't let the innocent look fool you. He loves to SPLASH. We've taken to throwing down a towel on the floor to catch the water, but we still have to towel off the walls and the door when he's out of the bath.

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