Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Vote!!

I hope everyone had a chance to vote today or prior to today. So important, especially for women. We have been casting our votes for less than 100 years!

I'm in Boise today. Flew in early this morning to work at a site all day and am staying overnight. This is my very first time being away from Jake overnight, and it is a very bittersweet feeling. I will be glad to get home.

So I'm in Boise for election night. The weird thing is that I have seen NO Obama or McCain signs/stickers anywhere in Boise. None. I even took an evening walk around the University of Boise campus and there was nothing. So strange, especially coming from Portland where there are Obama signs everywhere, and very rarely, McCain signs. Here in Boise I've seen a few signs for the local politicians, but none for the presidental race. You would think there wasn't even an election happening.

Anyway, so I'm alone in my hotel room with CNN on and just keeping an eye on the election. I have a chocolate-covered almond biscotti from the nice Italian restaurant that I went to, to soothe my tired and missing-Jake self.

Am looking forward to waking up tomorrow and knowing who is our new President.


UrbanHippieMama said...

hope you're able to enjoy your evening. i'm sure you are missing jake (and mike?? hee hee), but a night alone in a hotel room sounds heavenly to me!! ;)

fingers (and toes, and earlobes..) crossed for election

radishly said...

Awe. Definitely bittersweet.

And, Idaho is weird.

El Donaldo said...

Why wait?! It's gonna be Obama! WHOOHOO!!

Elizabeth said...

Yes we can!

korin said...

Aw i'm sorry you're missing Jake, I knew you would be. I hope you get some good sleep tho!