Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Today I read this blog entry on the Erin Pavlina website. I really like her website, and I especially liked this blog entry. She says "Every time I pick up a penny I am saying to the universe, 'I see the money you are sending my way and I am grateful. Thank you! And please keep it coming!'" And "Pennies grow into dimes, which grow into dollars, which grow into thousands and even millions of dollars. If you can’t show the universe you’re willing to pick up pennies, why would it trust you with dollars?" Last week on Wednesday I had gone outside and discovered that 3 pennies had appeared on my back deck. I have no idea how they got there. I looked at them but then ignored them. Well after reading Erin's blog, I immediately went outside and picked up all 3 pennies and thanked the universe for them. How fitting that there were 3 -- one for Mike, one for Jake, and one for me. We're not rich but we're not poor either, but everyone could always use a bit more money, both to use and to give away.

Semi but not totally related, the song "Magic Penny" has been stuck in my head all morning now.

Magic Penny (Malvina Reynolds)

Love is something if you give it away

Give it away, give it away

Love is something if you give it away

You end up having more

It's just like a magic penny

Hold it tight & you won't have any

Lend it, spend it & you'll have so many

They'll roll all over the floor, for

Love is something if you give it away

Give it away, give it away

Love is something if you give it away

You end up having more

Okay so these photos were a total set-up, but they are cute. Dorky thing for me to do, I know :)
(Don't worry, Mom, I was watching closely to make sure they didn't go into his mouth!)

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