Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I Love Summer

Jake and I picked raspberries early this morning. It was so wonderful -- a beautiful day and Jake wandered the row, ate raspberries, and generally had a good time being outdoors.

I picked 12 pounds of raspberries!! So far I've made 2 batches of jam, frozen a tray full, given some to my mom, and we still have many more to eat. :)


L said...

we are planning on reaspberry picking this week too. Summer is made that much better with all of the amazing berries!!

I want to come and visit you guys sometime soon....we'll have to figure that out. <3

tori vigil said...

I am so jealous!! While we do have some raspberries growing in one of the community gardens, it is just not the same as Portland. I did get cherries last week and apricots this week in my fruit share, but berries are a luxury here! Take care...